Well, this is my first attempt at a blog. I've been told I need to do one. So, here I am attempting to do just that. I guess this is one way everyone will know what I've been upto lately. So, lets just start this thing off by telling a little about myself.
I am a born and raised Shelley-ite. I was born on May 9, 1980 to two wonderful parents, Larry and Susan Hansen. I had an awesome big brother, Kevin, who loved to help take care of me. If I was crying, he'd grab my nightgown, if I was on the floor, and drag me to where mom was, saying "Baby cry". He also liked to share my binky with me. I'll have to find those pictures and post them. Almost 2 years after I was born, I got a new little brother, Steven. Although we didn't get along very well growing up, I still loved him and still do. Thank Heavens we grew out of that and get along great now. Then, almost 3 years after Steven, came along a sister, Kellie. We shared a room for many years, until Kev went on his Mission and I moved into his. Thanks for the room Kev, I enjoyed it while I had it! ;-)
Well, it's now almost 27-1/2 yrs since I was born. I am the Aunt of 1 niece and 6 nephews (with one more niece or nephew on the way), who are the best and cutest kids in the world! All my siblings are married and have kids! I am single and enjoying being an Aunt. I work at Center Partners in Idaho Falls and love my job. I also have my own photography business that I started up about a year ago, Mels Photography. I am busy, but still try to find time to spend with my family and serve the Lord. I am the Activities Chair in my YSA (Young Single Adult) Branch and am also in the Idaho Falls Institute Choir. For my fun time this winter, I will be in "A Christmas Carol" during December at the Virginia Theater in Shelley. It's something I've always wanted to do and decided I'd better do it while I'm still young and single and have the opportunity to do so. I love to act, sing, and dance, and this is a good opportunity to do all 3! I have also put together a musical fireside for the YSA in December. I'm so greatful the the family and friends who are helping me with the fireside by singing, narrorating, playing the piano, or just giving me support. Thanks for all the love and support you have always given me in all my accomplishments or attempts in my life.
Love you guys!